9 Ways To Reduce Condensation In Houses

Condensation on window

How to Stop Condensation in a House

Condensation within homes is more than just a minor annoyance of having water droplets on your windows or cold surfaces, it’s a symptom of excessive moisture that can lead to serious problems like dampness and mould growth.

In fact, studies have shown that damp and mouldy environments can increase the risk of respiratory problems and allergies and with 1 in 5 UK dwellings suffering from either damp, condensation or mould, it’s a far too common issue. As Richard Blakeway from the Housing Ombudsman puts it “One of the areas where we see damp and mould having the greatest impact is on health and wellbeing. Residents living in homes with damp and mould may be more likely to have respiratory problems, allergies, asthma, and other conditions that impact on their immune system”.

Understanding and addressing the causes of condensation is the first step towards maintaining a healthier living space, which is why in this guide, our team of air flow experts help you know what causes condensation, the dangers of excess moisture and offer 9 practical strategies to reduce condensation, thereby protecting your home and health.


  • Understanding What Causes Condensation
  • How to Reduce the Amount of Condensation Being Produced in Your Home
  • Why is Condensation and Warm Air an Issue?
  • Keeping Your Windows and Home Clear of Condensation

Understanding What Causes Condensation

Condensation occurs when warm, damp air comes into contact with cooler surfaces, such as windows, walls, and ceilings, causing water droplets to form. Across 30 years of experience, we find that properties are more prone to suffer with condensation between October and April due to the cooler external temperatures not being introduced into the warmer property – however, moisture laden air can appear any time during the year if the internal conditions support it.

Water vapour and excess moisture generated in the air can be produced by everyday activities like cooking, bathing, and even breathing – did you know, cooking can produce between 4 and 5 litres of moisture.

  • Lack of Ventilation
  • Temperature Differences
  • Structural Issues and Building Faults
  • High Humidity Activities
  • Bedroom and Bathroom Specific Causes

Lack of Ventilation

Poor ventilation traps humid air inside the house, significantly increasing indoor humidity levels. Without adequate airflow and air circulation, the moisture in the air has nowhere to escape, leading to condensation on windows, walls, and other cold surfaces.

We find that approximately 90% of all damp is caused by excess moisture and poor ventilation.

Temperature Differences

The stark contrast between warm indoor air and the cooler surfaces of windows, walls, and ceilings is a primary driver of condensation. In the winter and early spring, the difference is more pronounced in where colder air mixes with warm surfaces and vis versa, making these surfaces prime areas for moisture to condense.

Structural Issues and Building Faults

Homes with inadequate insulation or thermal bridging (where building materials conduct and lose heat more rapidly than surrounding materials) often have cold spots that attract moisture from the warm air. These structural deficiencies not only contribute to discomfort but also increase the risk of high humidity levels and subsequent mould growth.

Moisture levels may differ from issues attributed to the building itself too, in where there may be a cracked render, missing mortar, damaged tiles or incorrectly installed windows and doors.

High Humidity Activities

Daily activities such as cooking, showering, sleeping and drying clothes indoors release a lot of moisture into the atmosphere and displaces cooler air – did you know that 4 people asleep for approximately 8 hours generates between 1.3 and 1.6 litres of moisture.

Without immediate removal, this moisture increases the indoor humidity level, leading to condensation and a rise in air temperature.

Bedroom and Bathroom Specific Causes

Bedrooms and bathrooms are particularly prone to condensation due to their specific uses – another fact for you, washing and bathing can produce between 0.4 and 0.5 litres of moisture! Bedrooms accumulate moisture from breathing and perspiration, especially at night when doors are typically closed, reducing ventilation. Bathrooms generate steam from showers and baths and without adequate ventilation, this steam condenses on cold walls, mirrors, windows and other bathroom surfaces.

Condensation on bathroom window

How to Reduce the Amount of Condensation Being Produced in Your Home

There are a number of ways to stop condensation in a house with some being easier than others. Simple, yet effective methods can be simply to dry clothes outdoors, whilst some may be installing ventilation in your home, but we’ve given you 9 DIY ways to reduce condensation and improve air flow.

  1. Improve Ventilation
  2. Use Dehumidifiers and Extractor Fans
  3. Maintain Consistent Indoor Temperatures
  4. Cook with Lids On
  5. Dry Clothes Outdoors
  6. Improve Home Insulation
  7. Vent Appliances Properly
  8. Use Anti-Condensation Paint
  9. Invest in Double Glazing

Improve Ventilation

Opening windows regularly allows moist indoor air to escape and fresh, dry air to enter, crucial to lower humidity levels and prevent condensation from building. Ensuring good airflow helps in maintaining a healthier indoor climate by diluting and displacing too much moisture in the air – get that window open!

Use Dehumidifiers and Extractor Fans

Having a dehumidifier or extractor fan to hand, can effectively lower moisture levels in your home, making them a great item to have in damp-prone areas like bedrooms and bathrooms. They work by extracting water from the air, reducing the chance of wet surfaces and mould spores developing.

Maintain Consistent Indoor Temperatures

By using thermostats to regulate a steady indoor temperature, you can avoid the formation of a cold surface that attracts moisture – homes which are under-heated or have an inconsistent air and surface temperature, can exacerbate a moisture issue by allowing the building to cool down, resulting in warm moist air condensing on the colder surfaces.

Cook with Lids On

A simple but effective strategy to reduce moisture production is to cook with lids on pots and pans – if you need to keep the lid on and have an extractor fan, use that instead. This practice is a straightforward way to keep your kitchen drier and helps to get rid of too much humidity.

Dry Clothes Outdoors

If you’re looking for quick ways at preventing condensation, drying clothes outdoors prevents the release of moisture into your home, which can significantly contribute to indoor humidity and condensation problems (especially in wardrobes where damp clothes may be kept). Indoor drying, particularly during colder months, can saturate the air with moisture, making it crucial to find alternative drying methods that do not exacerbate indoor humidity

Improve Home Insulation

Improving the insulation of walls, ceilings, and around windows can dramatically reduce the presence of cold surfaces and minimise thermal bridging, which in turn lessens condensation in your home by keeping the indoor affected surfaces warmer. Well-insulated homes maintain more consistent internal temperatures, making them less prone to the effects of external temperature fluctuations.

Vent Appliances Properly

Proper venting of appliances like a tumble dryer and extractor fans to the outside, removes moist air at its source and lowers overall relative humidity levels, preventing it from contributing to indoor condensation levels.

Use Anti-Condensation Paint

Applying anti-condensation paint in areas prone to dampness (such as bathroom walls, bedroom windows and other affected areas) can create a barrier that prevents moisture accumulation, offering an effective solution to combat condensation in high-risk zones.

Invest in Double Glazing

Another way to avoid condensation and mould problems is by installing double-glazed windows – it provides an insulating barrier between the inside and outside temperatures, keeping internal glass surfaces warmer and significantly reducing condensation. Double glazing is particularly effective in colder months where temperature differences are more prominent, contributing to a drier and more comfortable indoor environment.

Condensation build up

Why is Condensation and Warm Air an Issue?

According to the 2019-20 English Housing Survey, serious condensation and mould problems were present in at least one room in 3% of all social sector homes, so it’s not an uncommon problem for it to become a dangerous situation and highlights the importance to remove moisture and reduce humidity levels within properties.

Beyond the immediate annoyance of foggy windows and damp walls, condensation can also lead to more severe issues like black mould growth, which poses significant health risks. Mould spores can cause respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and weaken the immune system for inhabitants, moreover, persistent dampness can damage the structural integrity of your home, leading to costly repairs.

Keeping Your Windows and Home Clear of Condensation

Reducing condensation is crucial for maintaining a healthy, comfortable living space. By implementing the strategies outlined above, you can significantly reduce moisture levels in your home and stop mould damage at its core. Remember, tackling condensation is not just about immediate fixes but also about adopting long-term habits and improvements that ensure your home remains dry and mould-free.

As experts in condensation, damp and mould investigations, we understand the challenges and problems of managing indoor moisture, which is why we have a dedicated team that tackle these issues every day for homeowners, landlords and the social housing sector.

If this advice doesn’t help you, Cornerstone provide a MoistureMOT and VentilationMOT in where we can diagnose exactly how damp air is being generated and resulting in condensation within your property. We also deploy remote humidity monitoring which serves as an accurate, high-tech and innovative solution for the diagnosis of condensation in mould affected properties.

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About the Author

David Bly

David Bly

Managing Director

David has an Engineering and Management background having been involved with the property damage management industry sector for the last 20 years encompassing the management and dissemination of key reporting protocols. His field-based experience aligns to the creation and production of unique reporting systems that serve to uphold professionalism and transparency of data interpretation for the industries Cornerstone serve.

In addition, his experience aligns to the understanding of damp, condensation and mould related issues in properties combining all industry approved surveying techniques to deliver a bespoke service clients demand.

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